You pompous ass! You bloated sack of Jaydub ego! Can you manage to speak PLAIN ENGLISH for even one day, or is your ego so fragile you HAVE to bolster it with your Rodale's Synonym Finder ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME?
Your smarm is exceeded only by your sleaze. Your insinuation is that people are prevaricating or exaggerating about the extent of this evil among your precious Clean Organization. This says a whole lot about your character. The fact that you couch your accusations in such idiotically highflown language says a whole lot about your character, too. Congrats on PROVING to everyone what a jerk you are.
I've been getting anguished emails from victims of various forms of Watchtower abuse since 1994. The numbers are staggering, and their stories are all over the internet. A fool could find the material needed to prove Bill's contention. What does that make you?
You have NO IDEA what you are talking about, dunnywiper. You should keep your blatherskite mouth FIRMLY SHUT and do some research before you pontificate. But that would require some baseline ethical decency... something in short supply in your religion, and, apparently, in you.